Thursday, October 21, 2010


Today we watched a film on the visual communication which tells about graphic design, font design.  Many good designers in the big companies work for this. They talk about the color about the typeface, the shape about the typeface, how to named the typeface, what does the designers need to do, and so on.
Actually I think the font is important, on the way home wei wang talked about something on the font. Some special typeface can give people deep impression, that’s why the designer designs lots different types every year. The new types can be used continuous by different companies as a logo or official documentary, to build up the company image.
Such as Arial and Helvetica, are very popular at present. I think because they are more readable and comfortable. Wei told me they are having their own history, they came from some ancient typeface. But anyway we can see them every day ,I think it will be changed in the future.

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