Thursday, October 21, 2010


Today we watched a film on the visual communication which tells about graphic design, font design.  Many good designers in the big companies work for this. They talk about the color about the typeface, the shape about the typeface, how to named the typeface, what does the designers need to do, and so on.
Actually I think the font is important, on the way home wei wang talked about something on the font. Some special typeface can give people deep impression, that’s why the designer designs lots different types every year. The new types can be used continuous by different companies as a logo or official documentary, to build up the company image.
Such as Arial and Helvetica, are very popular at present. I think because they are more readable and comfortable. Wei told me they are having their own history, they came from some ancient typeface. But anyway we can see them every day ,I think it will be changed in the future.

Monday, October 18, 2010

font design

I found some wonderful design on typeface ,sharing with everyone.I hope they can give us some inspiration.
                                                      Add Fantastic Color to 3D Text
                                                                 Water Text Effect
Sparkling Text Wallpaper
Stunning Detailed Typography
Aqua Text Effect

Friday, October 8, 2010

360SE is a boswer which is designed by a chinese company,and it is very popular in china now.I changed to use 360SE instead of IE last year.It is claimed the safest boswer because of it is a first broswer
which include "Cloud Security"in the world. Although I donnot really know what's the Cloud Security.
I read the introduction before I download it. It has many function that about the security. It can intercept virus website automatically.
It can distinguish virus file before you doenload the file.And it adds
some new fuctions such as the network favorite,which save your favorite website on the web,not on your computer.
The 360SE broswer update frequently,so it always repairs something wrong and renew something.And also it have many different types of skins that you can choose for yourself.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

"Delete: The Virtue of Forgetting in the Digital Age" is a new book was written by Professor Viktor Mayer-Schönberger’s (Princeton U Press 2009). In this book, at the first chapter the author gives us two examples .A teacher who just got the qualification but failing to get a job because of the picture of her on a social networking site.And  another psychotherapist refused entry to the USA because of a journal article which was published several years before, in which he mentions having taken LSD in the 1960s. Through the examples ,the author arises a interesting problem,do we need to remember all that ?Do we need to keep everything for a long time ? The author consider it is a problem that we must solve that. At the end ,the author presents his own solution to the problem- data with a shelf life. He mentions "expiration date",namely that all the information whatever in your hard drive ,e-mail, website ... Should be delete in a prescriptive time.
About this problem,we discuss on our class . Eighteen students agree with the author's point and twelve students disagree with that . In my opinion, i agree with the author's view but not absolutely.
We know in the past people have to write down if we want to record information or rely on our human memory. Compare with the digital technology, it is limited. It is also very difficult to recall someone's memory before 20 or 30 years ago.  If some information is very important and it is still valuable ,how can we deal with them? Delete them? Or like the author's view ,give all the information a "expiration date". I want to say some information we must keep . In account of they are valuable even if not at the moment. That is why i cannot agree with the author's opinion.
Depends on the different kinds of the information, the solution should be different. Some information should keep one years ,two years even longer. But it isn't necessary to keep forever. So as the author's example ,the past is not present. Everything can be changed .

So I think we should create a new technique skill to control the information on the Internet in order to we can employ everything effective.