Thursday, September 23, 2010

Good design

In this series of drawings French designer and photographer Clo’e Floirat documents her thoughts on design in Berlin, where she’s lived for three years.

About 60 years later, it is no longer a Candy Bomber “Rosinenbomber” that dropped supplies and candys for the children during the Berlin Blockade in 1949.

“ is an on- and offline gallery space with a weekly update. It is an arranged window on display for 24 hours a day – in the city and on the internet. offers an interdisplinary playground and stage for artists and designers. The objects and installations arranged in the window are for sale. You will find details and prices on the internet.”

Jerszy Seymour’s new aerobic workshop. “Merzaerobics, taking reference from Kurt Schwitters’Merzbau and its tenet, act without planning, offers a place to question and investigate our movements in everyday life. It proposes itself as an inquiry into the first “architctural” and “design” project, the movement of our own bodies in space; and offers itself as a place to liberate our movements from daily convention and simply to enjoy movement and exercice on a summer moring in a nowhere place.”

“Since summer 2007 the museum shows a significant part of its large and rarely exhibited collection of design and everyday culture of the 20th century in an “Open Storage” presentation. On the one hand the objects are arranged in a display of exemplary objects and supply information about the polarizing program of the Deutscher Werkbund and on the other hand give basic information about function, using-history in the 20th century and contemporary product culture.”

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